Friday, August 04, 2006

The Last Polish Show and Turkey

God showed us his all-encompassing knowledge and provision through our pitiful cube! This year our curtain-holding cube was homemade frome square steel poles and corners of sheet metal which, in order to transport them to the last show, were bent beyond repair. 40 minutes before the show was supposed to start we had given up on the idea of assembling in properly and were hoping to find a welding machine which wasn't turning up. Then Nik and Jacek amazingly found pieces of scaffolding under the stage, scaffolding being something that is not possible to rent in Poland from our earlier attempts to do so, and began to assemble a cube from them. Everything was coming together and it looked like a cube but one more pole was needed to make it fully functional. Nik took one last crawl around under the stage and found found only one pole more at all and it was the size that was needed.

From our understanding, this was God clearly saying to us, "I know all things that happen. I have control over all things. Don't worry. My will will be done." This is exactly the understanding that we need to take with us in going to Turkey and throughout life.

As it stands now, our plans for four shows in Turkey have been bent. Because of changes in laws, three of the venues have cancelled our shows and we have only one confirmed show. Dave Wilson, the tour organizer in Turkey, has spent days looking for a "welder", trying to get us into all of the venues he knows with little results. We all know that God wants us to go to Turkey and we are all committed to going. There are different ideas about what we might be doing like encouraging the churches there, pushing hard to do our shows in whatever venue or even mosques. But right now we have to look to God's face and into his eyes and until he looks somewhere please be praying that we look nowhere else and that we have peace to do so. We want it to be as clear as the exact number of scaffolding poles right under our noses as to what it is that we are supposed to be doing.

So please be praying for clear guidance, unity, patience, and persistence. I'm so encouraged that God has used this cube crisis to speak to us and prepare us for Turkey, and I am confident that God will provide the scaffolding and his will will be done completely.

Thanks so much for reading, for your support and prayers. I will keep you as updated as internet allows.



At July 31, 2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Darling Christa, - This is the first I've seen of your blog spot...July 31, '07! It is so wonderful - I'm really distraught that I didn't know about it. (Probably forgot, or something.) You are a prime inspiration. I need your words. I feel like such an unprofitable servant - if I serve at all. I do thank God for you and will pray for you every day, and also your group.
God bless. I love you. Waddie


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